Strengthening Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning systems

Strengthening the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) systems by helping development partners to set up robust MEL systems, policies, strategies and processes
Strengthening Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning systems

High quality and transformative evaluations

We provide critical expertise to development partners to carry out evaluation of policies, programmes, projects and institutional strategies.
High quality and transformative evaluations

Mentoring the next generation of evaluators

We provide a platform for young and emerging evaluators to acquire contemporary skills in evaluation and bridge the evaluation theories and practice.
Mentoring the next generation of evaluators

About DE-Group

A little more about who we are

Developmental Evaluation Group (DE–Group) is an independent agency committed to strengthening monitoring, evaluation and learning systems, conducting high quality and transformative evaluations and promoting evaluation use across governmental, non-governmental and civil society organizations in Africa. 

Our Vision

To see improved development outcomes through transformative monitoring and evaluation practices on the African continent.

Our Core Values

How we get things done

Theory – driven evaluations

The DE–Group has a bias for the theory – driven evaluation approach which is a shift from the traditional evaluation approaches.

Utilisation – focused evaluations

The DE–Group deeply cares about evaluation use. In a participatory manner, we work with the intended evaluation users to achieve their buy-in throughout the evaluation process and ultimately the evaluation findings.

Environmental sustainability and climate change

In the context of climate change adaptation, the DE–Group is using evaluation as a tool to support the understanding and prioritization of programme and policy actions to assist decision making.


Through experience, the DE–Group understands that most, if not all, of the initiatives aimed at transforming people’s lives are implemented in complex cultural, socio-economic and political environments.