

Development of the M&E Plan for the Youth’s Mental Health and Psychosocial Support project “Improving Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) for conflict affected youth in Somalia, through a socially inclusive integrated approach for peacebuilding” in Somalia


WHO- Somalia & the African Mental Health Research and Training Foundation (AMHRT)



Project status

closed (March 2021)


The project included co-creating the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) plan for the Peace building Fund (PBF) project with the WHO-Somalia, the African Mental Health Research and Training Foundation and other project implementing partners like UNICEF, Somalia National University, International Organization for Migration and the Ministry of Health – Somalia. Implemented in the urban centres of Kismayo and Dollow (Jubaland state), Baidoa (in South West state), Galkaayo and Mogadishu, the project sought to establish the first institutional response to mental health and psychosocial issues affecting young Somali men and women, to reduce stigma and promote community-based approaches to reach vulnerable youth.

Our scope of work included: 

  • Documentation of the co-creation process.
  • Development of different sections of the M&E plan:
    • the purpose of the MEL Plan (project performance measurement and outcome measurement), 
    • Evaluation criteria and indicative questions, 
    • M&E responsibilities for all project partners,
    • COVID-19 adaptation measures, 
    • The M&E framework and indicator reference sheet.
    • Activity matrix, output-indicator reporting template.
    • The data management and analysis framework 
    • Data collection tools including the quarterly reporting template for partners, the Most Significance Change Story template, Youth KAP Survey, health/clinical staff focus group discussion guide, community leaders focus group discussion guide.
    • All necessary information sheets and consent forms.

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