

Baseline assessment on the KAP of the police on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) and the effectiveness of the National Police Service (NPS) structures to address them in Kisumu, Nakuru and Nairobi counties.


Women Empowerment Link in partnership with the National Police Service (NPS) Kenya



Project status

Closed (March 2020).


This baseline study aimed to assess the KAP of the police on dealing with GBV and VAGW cases and the effectiveness of police institutional structures to respond to and address them at the police stations, posts and patrol bases. 

Specifically, the study assessed the: 

  1. Current institutional set-up in police stations, posts and patrol bases by NPS to enhance the capacity of the stations to handle GBV and VAWG in their jurisdictions;
  2. NPS linkages with the community structures to disseminate information on GBV/VAWG survivors’ rights and police responsibilities;
  3. Effectiveness of plans and programmes of action by the NPS and selected stations to prevent and respond to GBV and VAWG;
  4. Effectiveness of the existing information management system on GBV cases used by NPS and other service providers and the NPS coordination capacity with other service providers (current multi-sectoral arrangements with other key departments and institutions);
  5. Knowledge, Attitude and Perception (KAP) of the police on dealing with GBV and VAWG cases. 

The study team gathered primary data through a police survey (including 270 police officers interviewed in 42 out of the targeted 49 police stations/posts), observations which sought to assess the physical facilities/structures available at police stations (across the 42 police stations visited), key informant interviews with various key stakeholders, and focus group discussions in all three counties. Our sampling strategy ensured representation of people living with disability, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) community, youth and the elderly and development partners.

A validation of the baseline assessment report was conducted on the 15th March 2020 at the Victoria Comfort Inn, Kisumu, Kenya. 

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