

Evaluation of the “Building confidence on maternal vaccination by addressing risk perceptions using magnet theatre in Kilifi in Kenya” project – supported by the IMPRINT Network with funding from the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).





Project status

Closed (February 2021).


The DE–Group evaluated this initiative through a multi-method approach. We conducted a survey and focus group discussions to understand the cultural, religious and other contextual barriers to vaccination during pregnancy. To ensure rigor and reduce bias we randomly selected our survey participants using already established Kesho Kenya Community clusters in Kilifi North. The FGD participants were selected purposively from Ministry of Health antenatal clinics within Kilifi North. A trained fieldworker interviewed study participants who consented either during face-to-face interviews (which were conducted with strict observation of the COVID-19 protocols) or through mobile phone.  The evaluation protocol, informed consent forms and data collection tools were submitted to the Pwani University Ethics and Review Committee for ethical review and approval before data collection commenced.

One of the key outputs of this work is the journal publication below:

Kiyuka, P.K., Moindi, R.O., Murunga, N., Muinga, N., Mutua, M.N., Wanjala, S., Sandra, S., Mumba, N., Odhiambo, E.O., Mutengu, L. & Shauri, H.S. (preprint 2021). Assessing risk perceptions that contribute to tetanus toxoid maternal vaccine hesitancy in Kilifi County, Kenya. medRxiv 2021.04.11.21255279.

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